Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Philippino waiters /shop assistants

I   hate going out when I know I have to deal with waitresses and shop assistants from the Philippines .
Some of them are nice and really professionals  - but the rest of them is only someone who thinks that it is enough to smile and  after they can do whatever they wish to do .

 it happened to me that the product agent at the supermarket told me " hi mam , are you pregnant ?"
 -it is not your business  I thought  but I suppressed  this  sentence  in me with a polite "No" .. but it was not enough she came after me with a product and kept talking to me as I was pregnant .Finally I had to tell her  in a dry  voice" leave me alone " for she understands ...

Another time  I went to a quite expensive clothes shop and left there  some money . Then  she made herself as she wants to be kind to me ..."Mam , you  remind me my mother  -she is like you exactly- and she was  showing  round shapes with her hand " ... if she was someone in her twenties  then it was not a big deal  but she was minimum 35 ...so I am like her mom ...my friend from Abu Dabhi said their shop assistants also love asking about the " madame's age" then commenting not nicely about that .

If you are a man  you might never experience similar things  - just the opposite  - the same women  who  like to   comment negatively  about their   female  customers are too much polite  with men especially if they have the slightest smell of money ... it is just funny to see how differently the same person is talking to me and to my husband ...last time  when serving  the coffee  the waitress  leaned so close to my  hubby   that it seemed as a ridiculous offer from her part/if i were a jealous type  I would have slapped her  for openly  trying to flirt with him ... but I just laughed in myself ... and I can not understand these women .. how can they lower themselves so much ... what do they hope at all ?

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