Wednesday, May 30, 2012

society of gold miners

I have never thought that Qatar is the land of the idealist .people come here to get rich and not to be a hero . I have known all that.Still I was shocked when I read  about the Villaggio fire .How little the security and other staff was caring about the customers .A man was trying some clothes in the Zara boutique when he came out - there was nobody . Everybody left the place and nobody cared about people in the changing room .As we learn more and more details on this terrible fire it is getting more and more painfully clear to me that the children  and their teachers were left alone in that ill-fated nursery .
It is clear now that the fire started at the Nike shoe shop then it spread to the Puma and the smoke from there flew up to the nursery . How much time was all that ? How much time until the staircase collapsed ? How much time was there to warn the teachers who might have not heard the fire bells at all . There was no one security man who  would run up and do this little thing which could  have saved the life of the little ones .Or a shop assistant who saw the fire or anybody else being aware of the existence of the nursery .
People come here to make money . There is no hope to get a  citizenship here for expats / plus we always hear that we can go away if we do not like something in the country .And as skilled and well experienced people rarely get the salary they would deserve this way a lots of them leave  the country for good .New ones are coming without skills and experience  and  by the time they  gain some they already  left the country .This is the land of the incompetent .Taxi drivers do not know the main sights of the city  and the security guards run away when they  notice the danger - the mall managers can not find the map of the building when it is about trying and saving the life of babies .

And about the firefighters who  died in the incident  - I am really disturbed by that . I had the feeling that they  were sent to the  death .. Did they have gas mask and oxygen ? Are firefighters obliged to go to the sure death ?

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expat Qatar