Friday, January 12, 2007

WE have a landlady. Nobody has ever seen her. We have a landlady. Several things prove her existence. The rent for example. Her Indian driver takes it every month .We have a landlady. Someone was banging the door the other day. Early in the morning. My husband had just left for work.
- Open-Open - he shouted.
- NO WAY – he knows very well
- Open - I am the driver – you know me.
- Call my husband.
- Open, the lady, you know – the owner - she gives something.
- Ok. Put it down next to the door.
He made me very upset. I was watching him through the window as he leaves. Then I opened the door. It was a plastic bag with some souvenirs from Mecca: dates, water.
Why could not he simply say: present from the owner?

Anyway – he is the unofficial watchdog of the house. He lives 500 meters from our block.
Last month we had made some alternations of the flat. My husband invited a lots of repair men to ask for a price offer. They were coming and going .Ten minutes after the first men had arrived – the driver called my husband: - there are lots of men – strangers – are going into your flat. What is going on?
We are being watched –we realized.

Anyway, the dates were tasty. Dipped into honey filled with some nuts ...This is the most often mentioned fruit in the Quran ... so they are widely used to cure different ailments or to prevent different conditions. Especially it is recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers because after the birth of Jesus Mary was encouraged to eat some of this fruit.:
So she was pregnant with him, and she went to deliver in a far place.19:23 Then the birth pains came to her, by the trunk of a palm tree. She said: "I wish I had died before this, and became totally forgotten!"19:24 But then he called to her from beneath her: "Do not be sad, your Lord has made below you a stream."19:25 "And shake the trunk of this palm tree, it will cause ripe dates to fall upon you."19:26 "So eat and drink and be happy. If you see any human being, then Say: "I have declared a fast for the Almighty, and I will not talk today to any of mankind.""
According to this vers Jesus was born in summer. Fresh dates are available at that time of the year .

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