Saturday, December 23, 2023

MoPH advice about the dengue fever

  MoPH said that new and different kinds of mosquitoes have been found in Qatar that might be able to spread the dengue fever virus and told people to be careful.

Dengue fever is a virus that people get from being bitten by a mosquito.

Its name is Aedes Aegypti, and it carries the virus.

not spread from person to person and is not contagious .

From what I've seen over the last 20 years, there aren't many mosquitoes in the city, even when it's not very hot. But there may be more of them than I think in rural places, especially where water doesn't move.

The good news is that even if an infected mosquito bites you, you won't get sick. Most likely, you'll just feel like you have the flu. A lot of people have pain behind their eyes.
However, there is a small group of affected people who get really sick. It can lead to nose, gum, or even internal bleeding, which is much worse.Babies, weak people, and people who already had this fever are at risk.


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