Friday, September 07, 2012

Jellyfish - I hate you

Everything seemed perfect Friday morning at the beach . The weather was much better than two weeks ago - there was definitely  less garbage on the shore and no one jellyfish was seen . The water was transparent and clear .So when my little boy was screaming and pointing to his tummy I did not think that it was a jellyfish bite . It was a long scratch and I speculated that it was an old wound that became sore in the salty water .Then   comforted with a hug and some kisses he went back to play . Our other kid was floating on the water surface -so happy with it  as she has just learned how to do it .Then she was the one who screamed but it was very painful scream . Her wrist had shown clearly the sign of bite .It was burning weird feeling .It looked like nettle stings .She was crying very much .No one sea creature was seen in the water .

Some local young men told my husband "kandil al bahr"   "pour bibsi on it " ...
WE found some Red crescent staff on the beach ....they applied some vinegar  on it .They confirmed that it was a jellyfish bite .

Luckily  the kids did not show any allergic reaction .
But they refused to go back and play -even  in the sand . Now they are afraid from the sea and they refuse even the idea of  going to the beach again ...
I know so little about the sea and its dangers  -but  for this time I only feel that I hate those jellyfish ...

I will never go to the beach without vinegar and antihistamin .

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expat Qatar