Sunday, June 22, 2008


This date takes me back in the time :six years ago our family was having a wonderful holiday at this time of the year in South Hungary in Mecsek Hills .WE rented a village house and day after day we went on hiking - exploring everyday something new -spending most of the day in the forest .Once we didn't arrive home before dusk -and the fireflies suddenly were all around us .It was a magical scene !
Six years ago I was a mother of one child .Six years ago my family was living around me .Six years ago bringing up a child was very easy as I got so much help from my mum .
Many things have changed .I became mother of three .I spent my years mostly far from my family ,far from my country .And I miss my mum and her help very much nowadays .
And before getting too old and bitter by these above I decided to make a rejuvenateing magic potion during this very night .

I took five lemons and 30 cloves of garlic cut them into small pieces and added some water and put them into the blender .After that I boiled it for some minutes -and all the flat got a very special smell .Then I let it cool and put it into the fridge .I took the first portion of the potion .It was teeerrribleee! After taking a spoonful of it -I felt something strange around my heart -then during all the night I had a burning feeling around my stomach .
I plan to take it for 30 days !Then I might tell you about its effect !

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