Sunday, November 27, 2022

Monsoon Wedding - Indian musical review by Alma

 I got an offer for the Indian musical The Monsoon Wedding in an email yesterday.

I bought two  tickets since prices dropped.

I haven't seen a play in years. Let's go ! 


The theatre at the Souq Waqif was a little difficult to find.

The staff, on the other hand, was warm and welcoming.

They offered us much better seats than I had purchased.


Expected  some boredom .Bollywood style   story about lovers who must suffer .

My teen son  just  came  with me  out of politness . He  was asking me  at the beginning if it

was allowed  to sleep  during the  performance .


The play's main language was English, which was  spiced up with Hindi words.

It became increasingly exciting as we progressed through the story. We could follow the romance of two sets of Indian couples.


A well-to-do Indian family is marrying off their daughter to the son of another upper middle-class Indian family from the United States.

The story  contrasts   expat Indians  uprooted   lives  with those who are living in  their country with their large families .The narrative  portrays the lives of working class and middle class individuals.

 Old and new values  are featured in a seemingly  traditional love story. 

The director does not shy away from addressing sensitive issues such as marital boredom and sexual harassment.

Problems inside the family that arise when you love someone of a different religion.


The brave topic selection was paired with excellent music, songs,  humor and wonderful visual effects.

I was happy  to see  that my teen  was  wide awake   following the  story with much interest.

.  The director and the troop were able to touch our hearts.



At the end, the audience cheered by standing up . That rarely happens in Doha.

Best wishes to them for their Broadway premiers !

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