Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Katara Beach yesterday

 Half of the beach is  closed  for the  Dhow festival .  The other  half is  open  and no fees .

 It comes  with the disadvantage  that you  can not  buy a  sunbed . First  come , first  served  basis .

 That  was  rather inconvenient .I wished to sit down  under  the shade  while supervising my son   .But there  were  no  seats available .

Around 2 p.m., it was  hot. The beach was crowded. The international guests wore a variety of swimming attire, ranging from full body covering to minimal covering. Nobody was bothered by it.

  After  half an hour  a family was leaving  near  me and I dashed  to the  bench in the shade . So did  some  other  Arab  women .Did  we fight for that  seat ?  No . They  told me  confidently    . " We  will  sit toghether ."  They shared  with me their drinks , their  food and their  thoughts .  It was so  good  chicken  stew - I  can not find  similar one in restaurant .  

 After  three o clock   the  weather  was much  cooler but we  were  still   chatting .It turned out we  have some  common  interest and one of them   studied in my country .

  We could hear the dhow festival performances and see the vessels with national flags sailing in front of us.When  walking  towards  the Metro  we  saw  as  the Katara is getting full but  it was not  disturbing .

  I felt much safer than at the  Souq  Waqif.  There   is more space  here . Also  a large  screen to  watch  the matches .

Sporting activities such as kayaking, pedal boats, and water skiing were not available at the time. It was unclear when it would  open again.




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