Sunday, May 18, 2014

Why Amnesty not impressed with Qatar Labor Law

 Amnesty International announced that it is not impressed with the new Labour Law plan in Qatar

  They think no  restriction should be done when someone wishes to leave the country .In the  plan the Ministry of Interior would make an automatic  permission  -  they need 72 hours to check out if the person is wanted for something or not .
Amnesty thinks it is not fair .

Anybody should be allowed to  leave whether wanted or not at once .

I think it is very difficult to control so huge migrant population . To filter the criminals is a must .I do not mind  waiting 72 hours if it   keeps the country safe  from criminals .  Please note  - hundreds of thousands of people arrive in Qatar from countries where crime and corruption is extremely high ( Philippines ,India )  -  at the same time with this system they can keep the country running with low crime rate . No! Waiting 72 hours  does not make someone a slave !  Though I know that there are cases when leaving  quickly  is a must . ( sudden illness ,death of a relative )

 Changing jobs is allowed only every five years according to the new law . It should not be restricted  -at all -Amnesty  thinks .
  I do agree  with Amnesty on this point  .

(But then what would happen to those private companies who make huge profit  while keeping wages and salaries  low ? How would they survive ?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this information about of Qatar Labor Law

expat Qatar