Friday, May 22, 2020

EHTERAZ mobile app -mandatory when going out - May 22 2020

So these latest measures came  unexpected . Though I try to follow the news about the COVID-19 virus it came as a shock .
 Why ?
I am someone who is personally against the smartphone . I never wanted any . Because of this tracking system . It is humiliating for me  that I can be tracked  by anyone  after this .
But now I am forced to buy one of I want to go out .
Staying at home is not an option for me .

 And it works only for the citizens and residents . For those who have got  legal Qatar ID  . But the virus is spreading not only among the visitors   but    among those who do not have legal ID   .

 I would not mind  this system if it came with  benefits of opening the parks /school -even is only restricted numbers are allowed daily .Our kids are locked like prisoners .

In South-Korea where this  system was introduces schools were not closed  but restricted to small groups .

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expat Qatar