Wednesday, April 27, 2011

GUIDE 2010 -2011

The publishing house Planet News Business has released a Handbook of Private Schools in Doha. It is full of practical information on everything that you may want to know on schools in Doha .
The guide is free, it can be foundat the stands of Qatar Olympic Comittee in Villagio and Landmark.

1. It covers everything you need to know about schools in Doha. 99% of private schools are listed in this guide, as well as some of the Independent, the languages ​​they teach, how they pass the exams, their hours, their ages and dates of registration ... etc.
2. The guide provides detailed explanations for all examinations set in Doha and the country or which examinations are recognized.
3. It also contains step by step instructions to follow when visiting a school, before enrolling their child.
4. He explains the difference between schools in Doha, private, independent etc. ..
This book is what every parent should have at hand ...


Anonymous said...

I would like to have a copy! do u think i can still find at Villagio?

alma wad said...

Sorry , I did not check it out in person !

expat Qatar