Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hungary on Arabic speaking channels : the other day the while we were watching Al- Jazeera children channel -we saw a 15 minute documentary on Hungarian horse riding heritage . All the film was shot in Bugac puszta .I wish they were able to pronounce at least the name of this place ! ( not boo-ghak - but booghats ) Otherwise it was nice .
I do not watch a lots of TV . So I can not mention every occasion when Hungary or Hungarians are on TV around here . There was a documentary on Hungarian ethnic minority The Roma or Gypsy people some six years ago on Al-jazeera . It made me very upset . It spread such lies that " The Hungarians do not let the Roma kids go to school - that is why they needed a grammar School built just for them in Pecs "
The reality is that the Hungarian government , teachers etc beg the Gypsy parents that they send their kids to school . Then I heard such thing from villager Gypsy woman" The Hungarians do not allow me to get potable water - if I am lucky I can drink the water for animals " - and she was pushing the usual blue well - found all over the country in the streets - whose water is drinkable -and used by any villagers who do not have an access to tap water .

I just heard that nowadays on LB EU there is a competition of belly dancers and among a contestants there is a Hungarian girl . I was not surprised as belly dance became very popular form of exercise lately at home .

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