Monday, February 27, 2012

The world is not black and white .Not every Jew is the enemy of the Arabs and not every Arab is on the side of his own

people .We can say it for sure when we see the events of the past months - how some leaders are turning against

their own people when it is about losing their power .
All the good people belong to each other . The Jews United Against Zionism are with those who want a free

Palestine who are against the cruel acts against humanity ...

There was an International Conference for Defence of Al Quds (Jerusalem) at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel yesterday in

Doha .

One of the most important message was : do not to equate Zionism with Judaism ,stop calling Zionists as Jews.

It is unfortunate that many people do not differentiate between Zionism and Judaism. This is a success of the

Zionist propaganda. Judaism is religion while Zionism is a nationalist ideology. It is a transformation of Judaism

from religion and spirituality into nationalism and materialism, he added.
Read the full article in the Peninsula :

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